The world of Otha has seven main continents, some of these are island paradises. This beautiful planet is dominated by water, occupying more than 75% of the planet's surface. The continents are lush and fertile, green and replete with all sorts of life. This world is home to an abundance of races and creatures, and diversity of life everywhere wthin all things. The abundance of monstrous creatures threaten most civilizations, yet all make of creature call Otha home.

Otha has two moons:

  • Leunea (bluish-white)
  • Vog - The Blood Moon (red)

Continents and Humans of Otha
There are four major continents on Otha:

  • Aerinnan - All at once the most modern and yet the most fragile. Many nations populate Aerinnan, including the lush green island nation landscapes of Ériuland, the hostile expanse of adventuring lands of Vihmorand, and it's most recent and regal addition, the Kingdom of Koroth.
  • Rhydrymore - Along its southern shores, the earliest records of civilization point to the Idrannean Sea as the birthplace of hstory. The mysterious isle of Idra looms like an ancient mirror into the past. The native human races, Rhydrymorian, Belandish and Balgarian all come from this continent. From the frozen sea of the north to the warm waters of along the southern beaches of Feyra, the continent of Rhydrymore is known to most as the "old world" and to this day functions as such, with columnar architecture, empiric thinking, and devotion to the Pillars of Humanity that seem antiquated to more modern nations.
  • Averron - It is said that the forests weep with beauty, the fresh air breathes you, and the magic of wondrous ancient civilizations can still be found in Averron. There, amongst krakens, gorgons, dragons, and giants, are built the feudal baronies of romantic storybooks. The fables and stories of the people of Averron are our own, and all around the world of Otha, children beg to hear just one more tale at bedtime of the Knights of Averron.
  • Sudhearth - What little is known of this vast yet greatly unknown continent are the nations of Osirik where over tens of centuries the pharoas built great pyramids to align with the night heavens, and Mychutyl, where ebony skinned warriors advance mighty seige weaponry in medieval glory, and Cajatur who's penninsula nation dominion over the sea expands it's craft, culture, and mysticism across the endless seas. But the heart of this continent remains unexplored, awaiting the arrival of the ill-fated who would wrest these beastland and hidden glories of ancient civilizations by exploring them to find realms lost to the world's knowledge of them.

There are three island paradises (smaller continents) upon Otha:

  • Mirros - The Mynosian race are a comely, stunningly gorgeous Mynosian race of women. Women outnumber men in this race 7:1. Mynosians are known for mathematical, nautical and astronomical expertise. Thousands of Mynosian seacaptains with crews have sailed off and settled other contents, mixing with local inhabitants. Mynos is an island paradise in every sense of the word. The very few sailors who return from Mynos describe an Empress who values peace and pleasure above all other laws, yet trains the Mynosian women perpetually for war, if ever needed to defend their way of life.
  • Destagur - [unknown]
  • [Unknown] - [Unknown] 

The Surnan System
Otha, the fourth planet from the star called Surn, is the largest of the first four planets in the solar system. An astroid belt called The Voad seperates the outer planets. Voad is the remains of a shattered planet from the original system of 9. Of the remaining planets, two are massive gas giants protecting the inner planets from stray inter-galactic asteroids.

The Inner Planets:

  • Onos - "The Dragon's Eye" (red)
  • Syr - The Sandy Waste" (yellow)
  • Seserek - "The Eye Of The Deep"; a swampworld (green)
  • Otha - "Life's Cradle" (blue)

After The Molvanus Belt of minor asteroids, a single planet wanders an odd orbit:

  • Dostranon - "The Wanderer's Path" (icy bluish-white)

After The Voad Belt of asteroids, the remaining planets are:

  • Detonos - "The Fireball" (red-orange gas giant)
  • Aeridra - "The Timeless Spires" (ringed gas planet)
  • Caernthold - "The Frostworld" (bluish-white)

Otha's Moons: Vog & Leunea
Legend says that the dragon-gods chase each other across the sky. Vog is a tiny blood-red moon representing the vile Dragon-God's eye. This tiny moon is often not visible, or low to the eastern sky just before dawn. It is warned that in times of war and suffering, Vog has overtaken Eohdra, the benevolent and merciful draconic deity. Seers and sages watch calendars closely for dates when wretched Vog will partially eclipse Leunea. Clerics of Urdanzer, Bloodliners especially, see Vog's presence as an ill omen and will advise against any political oaths and of bad things to come. The priests of Morthendi revere Vog's arrival as a favorable omen. Many goblinoid creatures view Vog as the herald of war. Several races of creatures upon Otha are said to trigger a bloodlust upon Vog's arrival. History records two devastating events aligned to this conjunction: Heart's Piercing, and The Dracoconception.

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