The Peoples

Belandish settlers founded Beland more than 1000 years ago, but the oldest races recorded in West Aerinnan are the peoples of ancient Travidia. Korothians and Belandish are some of the oldest natives. About 500 years ago the Vihmorandi arrived and settled the northeast, inserting their unique culture to the land. The most recent arrival are the Balgarions.

 Common Races of Otha

Balgarian: (Real-world appearance - Ancient Greeks)

Balgs hail from Balgarion, an immensely vast Empire that collapsed in 300 KR. This great feat of human political might was poisoned by backstabbing in the senate, and compounding graft within the feuding hierarchy of its generals. Since prior to the fall of their empire, Balgarians have expanded to every corner of the world. It seems their inherent nature is one of exploration, conquering, and governance. But with the fall of the empire, Balgarions are best known for the establishment of a world currency of the same name, and for their killer blows in combat.

Balgarians possess pale to olive skin and have larger, more rounded features with larger eyes, noses and ears than other races. In many instances their hair is naturally curly, and moustaches and beards are racially commonplace, unless the Balg is a member of a fighting legion, or wishes to portrey a more sophisticated (senatorial) appearance, in which case the Balg will maintain a clean-shaven appearance. 

Balgarians make for formidable and determined fighters, paladins, and warriors of every kind. The predominance of monesterys and temples in the fallen empire have lead many Balgs to pursue the way of the cleric and monk. Cutthroat Balgs might also take up the professions of sorcery, wizardry or thievery. In this manner, the Balg is almost as versitile as the Korothian. 

Belandish: (Real-world appearance - Medieval English, Welsh, Scots, Irish)

Belandish are proud, cunning and noble people. Their history and heritage is steeped in tradition, custom, and law. The Belandi have dominated the western lands of the continent of Rhydrymore since the dawn of time.

The Belandi make for highly competent leaders, nobles, or governors of every kind, though Belandi can be found amongst every class without any necessary trends. 

Korothian: (Real-world appearance - Hearty European, equivalent of Forgotten Realms Chandothan)

Ah...Korothian! The heartiest, most intelligent and wize of all the races. The Korothian is the envy of most races, for he possess the full endowment of both physical and mental prowess. It is said that the Korothian has an inherent touch of the divine making them excellent orators, poets, and lovers in addition to performing superiorly in virtually any class.

The Korothian is disposed to become anything he wishes amidst various classes and professions. Legend holds that because Korothians are still in touch with their Othan and Ryowen beliefs that they are the most in touch with the ability to refine or focus their otherwise malleable talents as humans.

Mychutylon (mih-KOO-tih-lon): Natives of a far away continent, the people of Mychutylon usually possess high strength and constitution. Their skin ranges from light brown to deep black. The Mychutyl are naturally proud and possess a warlike culture, but in fact no more so than that of medieval Europe. Although civilized for centuries, about 20% of the Michuti (mih-KOO-tee) still possess their culture's ancient kinship with nature and many still use traditional silent hand signals as well as exhibit excellent survival skills in wilderness areas. Mychuti make for natural barbarians, warriors, fighters, clerics, paladins and monks, although some Mychuti become rangers or rogues. Those adept at the arcane arts will typically focus on the enhancement of weapon-craft with magic. Regardless of class, the Mychutyl are known for their varied skills and talents including science and engineering, and it is said that the great and proud land of Mychutylon contains several kingdoms no less advanced than that of Koroth, Vihmorand, or Chaal. One percent (1%) of all slavers in Chaal possess members of this race for trade or sale and treat any Mychuti as inferior simply based on cultural differences and skin color. The derogatory term chute (koot), an abreviated racial slur, is often used by slavers when referring to the Mychuti to imply a lack of intelligence or wisdom. Other more vulgar uses of the slur are also used. Those who have the privilege of knowing a Mychutyl (mih-KOO-til) finds this to be far from true.

Mynosian: (Real-world appearance - Lost Atlanteans)

Myns usually possess high charisma and comliness. Their skin ranges from suntan bronze to white. Both males and females can be Mynosian with a ratio of about 7:1, favoring female births.

Mynosians make for natural sorcerers and psionicists, though some favor the way of rogues, warriors and rangers.

Rhydrymorian: (Real-world appearance - Gypsy, Slovak)

Rhyds usually have dusky brown skin, brown hair and brown eyes. They are also on average a little shorter and of slighter build than the average human.

Rhydrymorians make for natural wizards, clerics and rogues, though some favor the way of bards and adepts.

Vihmorandi: (Real-world appearance - Middle Eastern with or without dark olive skin color.)

Vihms usually have lythe, pointed features and some even appear somewhat gaunt. The average Vihm is tall in stature with skin ranging from pale to dark olive and eyes and hair of any color other than blond or blue respectively.

Vihms make for natural mercenaries, tradesmen, or rogues, though some favor the way of clerics and bards.

 Less Common Races

 Cajatan - (Real-world appearance - Japanese/Mongolian) 

 Osirik - (Real-world appearance - the Egyptians) 

 Halfan - (Real-world appearance - the Norsemen) 

 Klawren - (Humans with long fingers, claw-like nails, hawkish avian features) 

 Avoreen - (Real-world appearance - Central American, Spanish, Aztec or Mayan mix)

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