In alphabetical order, the deities and demi-gods destroyed by Vanknor are: Molvanus, St. Ibsom, Vagobanter, and Voad.
In non-alphabetical order, the saints are: St. Sasserine the Poison Arrow, The Revealer, St. Ibsom the Curemaker, The Inspiress, The Diviner, The Radiance, The Widow, St. Arthas the Avenger, St. Bothus the Crestfallen, St. Theatrian the Squire, St. Elothian the Blood Angel, St. Gazrille the Risen Angel, St. Mar the Darkangel, St. V'Lore the Pathfinder, St. Ahnktimeon the Greenman, St. Galena the Hierophant, St. Trivineus the Detailer, and St. Sanctimeon.
In alphabetical order, the demi-human deities are: Alagru (HRUGGEK/bugbears), Se Serek (SEMUANYA/lizardfolk), Dloolup (BLIBDOOLPOOLP/kuo-toa), Drisgulth (Lolth/drow), Idrist (GARL GLITTERGOLD/gnomes), Lyra (YONDALLA/halflings), Methea (CORELLON LARETHIAN/elves), DROSKAR or TORAG (MORADIN/dwarves), Syramuk (KURTULMAK/kobolds), and Murdan (GRUUMSH).
AERIDIAN THE SKYFATHER, GOD OF WARRIORS, PUNISHER OF THE WICKED Alignment: LG Domains: Destruction, Good, Law, Metal, Strength, War Favored Weapon: Longsword Portfolio: Change, Conflict, Sky, Whose Who Struggle, Warriors Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: All non-evil, surface-dwelling, breathing creatures Sayings: "SkyFather watch over you." "The heavens watch over you." "Praise Aeridian, punish the wicked." "May the father above..." Prayer: "O sky above me! O pure, deep sky! You abyss of light! Gazing into you, I tremble with divine desires. To cast myself into your height---that is my depth! To hide myself in your purity ---that is my innocence! And when I wandered alone what did my soul hunger after by night and on treacherous paths? And when I climbed mountains, whom did I always seek, if not you upon mountains? And all my wandering and mountain climbing, it was merely a necessity and an expedient of clumsiness: my whole will desires only to fly, to fly into you!" ________________________________________________________
Aeridian... |
Surna QUEEN OF GLORY, THE SHINING LADY, QUEEN OF VICTORY, THE HEALING HANDS, HER HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS SMITE, THE SUN GODDESS Alignment: LG Domains: Glory, Good, Healing, Knowledge, Law, Nobility, Protection, Sun Favored Weapon: Mace, any ranged touch attacks, light Portfolio: Good, Healing, Law, Light, Righteousness, Victory Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: All surface dwelling creatures Sayings: ""May her hands be upon you." "Sunshine through you." "Shine on." Prayer: Cast upon him a ray of peace, and let it cure his suffering. I lift up my hands to your light, give me warmth, give me sight in darkness. Source of power, source of rightousness, give me victory for your glory. ________________________________________________________
Surna... |
EOHDRA THE GREAT PROTECTOR, THE SCALED GOD, KING OF DRAGONKIND, THE WINGS OF GOODNESS Alignment: LG Domains: Air, Good, Luck, Protection Favored Weapon: Heavy Pick, Claw, or any Multi-pronged weapon Portfolio: Good dragonkind, flying creatures, scaleykind, wind, anyone in need of protection Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Dragonkind, Human, Demi-human, any non-evil creature in need of protection Sayings: "Upon the wings of goodness may you be carried." Prayer: "I invoke justice, good, respect and honor, that I may protect the innocent and correct all Your enemies. May your mighty jaws crush the wicked, your claws smite the evildoers, and your tail slap injustice from the face of Otha." The virtuous of Eohdra (known as Bahamut in some worlds) spend the bulk of their days combating evil, aiding the weak, and ferreting out the nefarious plots and plans of the cults of Vog or Vanknor. However, with the faith being made up of the relatively independent dragons, dragonkind, and being relatively new amongst humanoids, there are no clearly established day-to-day activities and rituals. While Bahamut’s draconic worshipers have developed numerous rituals, which generally involve singing the Lord of the Wind’s praise under an open sky, his humanoid worshipers are still developing their rituals. However, once each month during the quarter moon the faithful are to sacrifice jewellery to their god’s great hoard. All of the faithful of Eohdra must follow the Ptarian Code of Honour developed several millennia ago by a great golden wyrm known as Ptaris. The Code is similar to the code of chivalry adopted by certain segments of humanity. In its full form, it comprises several hundred lines of elements, nuances, and commentary. The major precepts, however, include: Justice and Good above all; Honour and Fealty to the King; Honour and Respect to Righteous Innocence; Honour and Duty to the Justicemaker; Honour and Protection to the Lesser Races; Honour and Correction to the Enemies of Justice and Good; and Honour and Forbearance for oneself. Notably, the third precept refers to the protection and respect for good aligned innocents. The fifth precept is also noteworthy in that, destroying an enemy of the Law and the Good is a second-best solution. The ideal outcome would be the conversion of the enemy to the ethos of lawful good. For this reason, the faithful always try to parley before fighting and they always give an opponent a chance to surrender and recant their evil ways. Priestly Vestments: Eohdra's humanoid faithful don simple robes of bronze, silver, gold, or platinum (white) hue to conduct holy rituals. The colour of the robes also denotes the priest’s general rank.
BRAEGEMTUR GOD OF ALL BEGINNINGS, DAY'S DAWN, SOWERS HOPE, MASTER OF THE GRAND DESIGN Alignment: NG Domains: Good, Planting, Protection, Travel Favored Weapon: Spear (any) Portfolio: Air, beginnings, dawn, knowledge, magic, planting, trickery, supreme, war Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Human, elves, halflings, dwarves Sayings: "Let it be as it was when it began." "The day defines the night." "Beginnings are important." "How you begin determines your success." "May it begin anew for you." Prayer: When it began, at the dawn of time, aspects of the consciousness of the universe formed into angels, the first of whom was Braegemtur. We celebrate beginnings in His name. He is the alpha being, and the one who blesses new ventures, journeys, births, years, and start ups of every kind. The Korothian Regnum calendar honors this beautiful angel in the first month of Braegus. Braegemtur...
TOBASU THE SOULWEAVER, THE GREAT ENDER, LORD OF THE NIGHT FIRE, TWILIGHT'S END, THE LASTMASTER, THE GREAT ORACLE, LORD OF FULLNESS Alignment: NG Domains: Artifice, Good, Fire, Knowledge, Magic, Trickery Favored Weapon: Greatsword Portfolio: Abundance, conpletion, cooking, endings, fullness, fortune, seasons Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Human, elves, halfling, dwarves Sayings: "In wisdom, may all things end." "All good things must end." "This is a meal for Tobasu." Prayer: Tobasu... |
LEUNEA: THE MISTRESS, THE BLUE LADY, SHE THAT PLEASES, NIGHT'S CALL, THE MOON GODDESS, THE RECKLESS LOVER, THE DANCE OF WILD DESIRE Alignment: CG Domains: Chaos, Good, Charm, Liberation, Luck, Lust, Moon, Travel Favored Weapon: Thrown stones, improvised weapons, Bastard Sword Portfolio: Attraction, dance, desire, hedonism, love, lust, niight, sensual fulfillment Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Human, all demi-human, all talking beasts, and lycanthropes Sayings: Prayer: Raovinder...
RAOVINDER THE KIND HEALER, LORD OF KNOWLEDGE, LORD OF INSPIRATION, LORD OF SONG, GOD OF PROPHESY, LORD OF TOMES, THE DIVINE MUSE, THE GREAT DEBATER Alignment: CG Domains: Chaos, good, healing, knowledge, magic, protection, travel Favored Weapon: Dagger or horn (any) Portfolio: Bards, eloquence, healing, inspiration, intelligent non-humanoid creatures, music, poetry, prophesy, song, talking beasts Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Human, all demi-human, all talking beasts Sayings: "Bound to the muse, pierced by beauty." Prayer: Raovinder... |
QAR GOD OF THUNDER AND MIGHT, LORD OF WAR, PROTECTOR OF ASHARAAN God of storms, thunder, and war Alignment: CG Domains: Chaos, good, knowledge, protection, strength, war, weather Favored Weapon: Warhammer Portfolio: Storms, thunder, war Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Human, demi-human, monster Sayings: Prayer: Qar...
VAHRTOUM THE FORCE OF CIVILIZATION, THE PATH OF FORTUNE, THE GOD OF BLESSINGS REGARDLESS Alignment: LN Domains: Fate, Law, Luck Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword Portfolio: Cities, law, merchants, wealth Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Human, Halfling, Dwarf Sayings: Prayer: Vahrtoum...
Priests of Vahrtoum hold elaborate ceremonies. Long prayers, offerings and chants are part of this detailed and highly symbolic religious event. Afterward, the priest are known to go take pre-determined prisoners for execution by hanging, stoning, poisoning, piercing, quartering, falling, or any one of many other forms of death sentence.
HIBAST THE FIERCE SOULTESTER, THE MORPHING QUEEN, THAT WHICH BECOMES, HIBAST-JUDGE OF THE LIVING, JUROR OF THE DAMNED Goddess of Challenges, elemental fire, purification through fire Alignment: LN Domains: Craft, Law, Knowledge, Magic, Travel, War Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff Portfolio: Goddess of Challenges, elemental fire, purification through fire Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Any Sayings: Prayer: Hibast... |
URDANZER THE GREAT RULER, THE DIVINE KING God of nobles, rightful rule of nobility and human royalty Alignment: LN Domains: Law, Nobility, Rune, Portal, Protection, Trickery Favored Weapon: Unarmed Strike Portfolio: Nobles, Rightful Rule of Nobility, Human Royalty Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Human, Halfling Sayings: Prayer: Urdanzer was already worshiped in the western countries on the continent of Aerinan when King Caeleth Teborex brought his devotion to Urdanzer with him from the Empire of Balgarion. However, with the blessing of Urdanzer upon him, Caeleth established a legitimate royal kingdom where only the public lands of Koroth once existed. He extended the rule of law through a government system of royal shires, often renamed into duchies and kingdoms of their own. This feudal setting is made of two parts: the Royal House and the King’s Court. Legend says that Urdanzer, for whom the eighth month, Urdanus, is named, is said to have once walked in the great royal capital city of the Empire of Balgarion. Urdanzer is often shown as a clean, well-dressed noble or king with a divine aura, and bearing a crown or scepter as though delivering these appointments to a deserving noble worshiper. From his gold breastplate to his richly embroidered cloak, everything about him is refined and cultured. In provinces where worship of Urdanzer is strong, holy symbols depict a crown and scepter amidst a wealth of coin. In more ancient traditions, drops of blood surrounded the royal symbols. Clerics of Urdanzer are an organized lot, spending much of their time involved in the affairs of nobility and rulership at any level. Clerics, called Bloodliners, adhere to the Urdanzer Doctrine for matters involving the public, partisans and nobility. From within their lavishly appointed monasteries and churches, Bloodliners swear fealty to nobles as appointed Partisans. In private, many nobles refer to these clerics as Throne Whisperers, a term that might be considered as much cutting as respectful. In churches, it is not uncommon for partisan Bloodliners to be of mixed noble appointment, provided this mixure of representation does not pose deadly conflict. The nobility of the realm is quick to support the funding of a monastery, or the building of a new abbey, chapel, or church within the area to house Bloodliners in their charge. Nobles often fervently support the Church of Urdanzer to further their own causes, though many provide this support out of fear of the power of the church to question a noble’s bloodline authenticity, or to strike away a noble’s right of rulership. These powers descend from the highest officiating leader of the church, known as the Pax. New clerics study for a few years at monasteries, estates that are often no more than converted wineries or ones still in use. This tradition stems from the legend of Urdanzer’s stroll in the Vinetarius, the vinyards of ancient Balgarion’s capital city. As stated in the Urdanzer Doctrine, some clerics do achieve nobility status after 10-20 years of service since their religious path teaches them much about rulership and nobility, making some into excellent nobles and members of the king’s court. |
RYOW FATHER STRONGBOW, THE WAYFINDER, GOD OF RANGERS & DRUIDS, NATURE'S ARROW, NATURE'S PROTECTOR God of the forest, forest creatures, harvesting, hunting, nature, tracking, rangers, trade, and woodlands Alignment: N Domains: Animal, Plant, Luck, Protection, Time Favored Weapon: Bow (any) Portfolio: Forests, forest creatures, harvesting, hunting, nature, tracking, rangers, trade, woodlands Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Human, Demi-human, forest and woodland creatures Sayings: Prayer: Ryow... |
Pictured Above: An aspect of Otha manifests to interact with life. Pictured Below: An aspect of Otha manifests to gently tug and clench the heart of her devout follower, easing their passage into death. | OTHA THE EARTHMOTHER, THE HEARTCLENCHER, THE ETERNAL WOUMB, THE ETERNAL GRAVE, GENTLE MOTHER Alignment: N Domains: Balance, Creation, Death, Water, Repose Favored Weapon: Unarmed Strike Portfolio: Agriculture, Changelessness, Earth, Stillness, Perpetuity Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Humans, Dwarves, Genasi, Elementals Sayings: "Blessed Be." Prayer: ________________________________________________________ Otha means "earth." Otha is the earthmother, the lifeforce of the planet itself - and moreso, for she is a powerful goddess of both creation and death. The blessed patrons of Otha adhere to her balanced principles of the earth: I. Love and honour Otha (the earth) for I bless thy life and govern thy survival. |
BALUH MATRIARCH OF MAGIC, LADY OF SPELLMASTERY, GODDESS OF WONDROUS POWWER Alignment: N Domains: Magic, Rune, Spell Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff (or wand/rod) Portfolio: Magic, Spells, Potentiality Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Any Sayings: Prayer: ________________________________________________________ Worshipers of Baluh know... |
DWALOVUR THE WILD ONE, THE UNSPOKEN WAY, THE FEYLORD, FREEDOM'S SONG, GOD OF NATURE AND WILD PASSION Alignment: CN Domains: Animal, Chaos, Plant, Trickery Favored Weapon: Shortsword Portfolio: Fey, Freedom, Nature, Passion, Shepherds, Mountains, Trickery Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Sayings: Prayer: ________________________________________________________ Dwalovur... |
PROTHENERON THE LORD OF STORMS, GOD OF THE DEEP, OUR FEARED LORD OF THE SEA, THE ARMS OF DESTRUCTION Alignment: CN Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Watery Death, Storm Favored Weapon: Greatclub or Trident Portfolio: Earthquake, Rivers, Sea Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Sayings: Prayer: ________________________________________________________ Protheneron... |
Pictured Above: An Avatar of Malishaen. Pictured Right: Malishaen in her Ice Castle with her pet, "Bluebird." | MALISHAEN THE ICEMAIDEN, GODDESS OF BLOODLUST, OUR LADY OF THE BEAUTIFUL MADNESS, LADY OF COLD POWER, PATRONESS OF SUICIDES, CRAZED LIPS OF LONGING, THE ICE MISTRESS, THE BEDMAIDEN OF BLAME, THE LADY OF PLUNDER Alignment: CN Domains: Chaos, Cold Favored Weapon: Battle Axe Portfolio: Beauty, Cold, Chaos, Insanity, Loneliness, Longing, Plunder, Prostitution, Winter Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Humans, Demi-humans, Giants, Creatures of the Frostfell Sayings: Prayer: ________________________________________________________ Malishaen... |
Pictured Above: An Avatar of Vurvain
Pictured Right: A Thrall of Vurvain | VURVAIN THE BLACK LORD, LORD OF DARKNESS, THE SKINRAZOR, THE DARK TORMENTOR Alignment: LE Domains: Darkness, Death, Evil, Law, Suffering Favored Weapon: Scourge Portfolio: Agony, Darkness, Hurt, Loss, Secrets, Pain, Torment Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Sayings: Prayer: ________________________________________________________ Vurvain...
CAASIMOLAR THE MALEFACTOR, SERVANT OF LUCIFER, THE TYRANT OF INFERNUS, MALEVOLENT CONSPIRATOR, THE FATHER OF HATRED, ROD OF VENGENCE, FORMER PRESIDENT OF HELL Alignment: LE Domains: Evil, Fire, Hatred, Law, Magic, Retribution, Trickery, Tyranny Favored Weapon: Spiked Rod or Spiked Quarterstaff Portfolio: Conspiracy, Pride, Revenge, Tyranny Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Sayings: Prayer: ________________________________________________________ Caasimolar.... A wizened old man with a silver beard and balding head that sports two small horns. When Lucifer ruled Hell, this devil stood second in command. Later, Asmodeus cast him out along with the rest of Lucifer's court. He has a vast network of spies throughout the Hells. He is never solitary except when in his tower on the plane of Infernus. |
VOGARAMTHRA PROPAGATOR OF EVIL, PROGENITOR OF EVIL DRAGONKIND, THE FANGED SLAVELORD, THE EYE OF DESTRUCTION Alignment: LE Domains: Law, Destruction, Evil, Trickery Favored Weapon: Claw, Bite Portfolio: Evil Dragons, Scaleykind, Slavery Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Evil Dragonkind, Humans Sayings: Prayer: ________________________________________________________ Vog (Vogaramthra) is... |
VANKNOR THE MURDERER, THE VENOMOUS VANISHER, GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD, THE FONT OF PLAGUES, MASTER OF THE UNDEAD, THE FONT OF POISONS, LORD OF UNDEATH, THE GODSLAYER, VANKNOR THE UNDYING Alignment: NE Domains: Charm, Death, Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, War Favored Weapon: Flail (any) Portfolio: Disease, Dungeons, Poison, Murder, Mysterious disappearance, Necromancy, Undeath, Underworld Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Sayings: "Fall in line, or fall alone." Prayer: ________________________________________________________ Vanknor is responsible for the deaths of saints, demi-gods and deities. He is the patron lord of all undead.
MNEMTHU LORD OF MADNESS, THE MAZE PRINCE, THE DREAM CONJURER, PRINCE OF THE LAIR Alignment: CE Domains: Chaos, Evil, Madness, Magic, Strength, Trickery Favored Weapon: Claw/Horn (any) or Bracer/Spiked Gauntlet Portfolio: Madness, Monsters, Nightmares, Violence Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Sayings: Prayer: ________________________________________________________ Mnemthu... |
SHROAD THE SLIME PRINCE, SHROUD OF EVIL, HORRIBLE MASTER OF ILLUSIONS, SKIN OF EVIL, LORD OF PERVERSION, PATRON OF THOSE WHO LOATHE THEMSELVES, THE MINDLORD OF EVIL Alignment: CE Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Destruction, Illusion, Mentalism, Slime Favored Weapon: Black steel, Invisibility, Area Effect Spells, Transmutation Effects, Dark Magic Portfolio: Darkness, Disgust, Perversion, Self-destruction, Waste Centers of Worship in Aerinan: Kingdom of Koroth, Kingdom of Eirwend, Crystaldell, Duchy of Dunlark, Shires of Cranham, Vihmorand, and Bythagal Nationality: Humans, Aberations and Oozes Sayings: Prayer: ________________________________________________________ Mnemthu... |
The Gods and Goddesses: